May 4, 2010

Vive Cool City

Taken from An explanation of rad group of aussie alternative journalists:

"VIVE COOL CITY is an on-line TV site that streams 2-3min original episodes 3 days a week, Monday, Wednesday & Friday. Based out of Australia, we cover stories we wanna see but can't find anywhere else, from music-fashion-party to getting smashed off Listerine, kidnapping in Mexico or incest in Tasmania.

VIVE COOL CITY is created by a collective of people ranging from teenage to the thirty-odd, from all corners of the globe, to provide our generation not with political or self-indulgent bullshit, but rather content that gets us thinking and talking.

Sometimes funny, sometimes serious, and sometimes ridiculous, VIVE COOL CITY will never seek to harm or offend but will always promise to entertain... enjoy people"

They post news from Interviews with Pornstars, Crazy Swedish Bridge Jumpers, How to Make Fake IDs, Underage drinking, Tits, fundamentals of a brothel. all the important stuff!

their videos also are accompanied by some rad australian music also.

their latest video is about the sport of Sport Slurping: check it out!

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