February 22, 2011

Design Insight: Issue 4 "Dogbath"

Dogbath continues the story of everything is not as it seems.

There is an old saying that never goes around, It's as hard as getting a dog in a bath, and that in itself is the beginnings of this design at hand. In the early days of Enjoy Yourself, when vision was the main primary activity, my good friend Joel and I would sit in my room known as "The Shed", and ponder new ideas or stupid jokes that you could do on shirts. Suddenly we became fascinated and amused by the innuendos of sexual activities.

A "Dog In A Bath" is an act by inserting your penis into your partners vagina, whilst inserting your testicles into her butthole. Plain and simple, its as hard as getting a dog in a bath. The rest is history.

I have witnessed this act only once, quite remarkably disturbing nonetheless.

Want this shirt for free? email us at admin@enjoyyourselfclothing.com to find out how.

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